Sunday, March 9, 2008

Phoenix Suns Vs. Utah Jazz 3/7/08

It all started Friday as I was leaving work, A guy I work with asked if I wanted Suns tickets for Friday nights game, He said one of the suppliers we work with had tickets for our company and that I could have them, So I had no idea what kinda of tickets they would be, I didnt even know who they were playing. I went to the supplier and picked up the 2 tickets, I opened the envelope they were in, and lets just say I almost had heart attack...$195.00 each ticket, SECTION 113 ( straight across from the Jazz team ) ROW 4..Yes row 4...lets just say if I was to trip down the stairs Nash would be catching me. Scott and I were so excited... The game was so awesome. We were so close it was un real. The players looked taller than you could imagine, especially Dumbo Shaq, he is a giant. ( Yes I am not a fan of Shaq, but I admit he was fun to watch because of his hugeness ) I love Nash, Stoudemire & Bell. ( **for Cordae & my family .. Oh my gosh I saw Steve Nash Sweat ..) Scott and I can already name the players of the Jazz team also, I think after the painful loss that night I like Utah more..:)..It was a big disapointment to see the Suns winning the whole game, I mean the whole game until that last minutes and they handed the game to the Jazz. It was awful.. but it was so fun to watch and for sure probably the one and only time we will ever sit that close. Thanks Whitton for the tickets..

Camelback Mountain
Scott and I hiked to the top of camelback mountain yesterday. For those of you that have not done it you should totally try it, it is a fun, hard, hot hike, plus workout. It is so cool to be at the top and look down on the whole Valley. Going up is pretty hard, but for me going down was the worst becuase of my knee surgery, my right leg is still kinda week.

It was well worth the 3 hour hike.


Logan & Lindy said...

HOLY COW!!! I am so jealous!!!! You lucky girl! 4th Row that is so awesome. You should have tripped down the stairs! =0)

Logan & Lindy said...

I didnt get to finish my comment!!! It would feel so cool to be all VIP!!! Look how close the lady guard is CRAZYNESS!!! I am way jealous! But I am so happy for you. That would be seriously so dang fun.

Caldwells said...

Oh my gosh! The game looks awesome! We are jealous. I wish we could have come hiking. Porter and I went to hike Camelback once and I remember we had the hardest time finding it because the mountain everyone told us was Camelback was not the one I was invisioning because remember when good ol' Jimmy and ummmm...(I can't remember his name) Took us to hike so called "Camelback" that one night, it obviously really was not camelback. haha. That was the mountain I was looking for. Anyway, fun times. Hope your knee is okay.

Nic and Jessica Despain Family said...

LOOK at you!! How are you doing it has been a long time?!

Ashleigh and Zebb said...

Suns games are so much fun!! Even better when its 4th row!!Wow wish I was ambitious enough to go hiking... I wanna go on your zip line!!!!!oh and PS Devin comes and hangs out with us way more frequently than you guys do! whats your deal?? cuz now todd is married too so its ok for ya'll to come, not that it wasn't ok before, you guys must be too cool for us!!!

Bekah: said...

wow looks like you guys had an AWESOME weekend! how fun!

Monica said...

I didn't know you had knee surgury? That totally sucks!

All we (shan and I) have to say is....Da Jazz

Maren said...

how fun! i want to go hiking!! and you are the luckiest girl. what a fun game you got to go to, eventhough we did lose!

Amber & Glenn Lovelace said...

Kiara! Glenn and I watched that game. It was so intense! But so good! We were rooting for the jazz ofcoarse. I have been converted. But its hard not to when your hubby is a huge fan. By the way, the zip line, oh my word thats awesome! Next time we are all in snowflake lets get together and play! I cant wait to see you guys again. Planning on coming to use again this summer and do a little camping? It would be so fun! We had a blast with you guys last time. Miss you and love ya!

DeWitts said...

So jealous! looks like you guys had a blast!

J said...

You guys make me smile. You are the cutest couple! And BOOOOO Jazz! GOOOO Suns!